Common Mistakes Made in Creating an Estate Plan
A good place to start is by creating a Will, rather than allowing the state in which your are domiciled at your death to distribute your property after you pass. However, not everything should be included in your will. Several key items should be left out of your Will. Here are some common examples of things to exclude from your Will in order to prevent costly pitfalls.
Why Every Parent Needs a Temporary Guardianship Plan: A Guide to Protecting Your Children's Future
Why Every Parent Needs a Temporary Guardianship Plan: A Guide to Protecting Your Children's Future
What Happens to My Loved One's Property and Debts?
A Brief Overview of What Could Happen to a Loved One’s Assets When the Die in North Carolina
Using Holding Companies for Estate Planning: A Comprehensive Guide
Understand Holding Companies and How They Could Integrate Into Your Legacy Plan